On-Campus Interviewing and Recruitment Options

On-Campus Interviewing and Recruitment 
The CECE is committed to supporting your recruiting efforts through campus interviews, information sessions, career fairs, and job/internship postings. While we understand that the landscape of recruitment is very competitive, our job as an institution is to provide recruiting opportunities that enhance the educational experiences of students.
Interviewing on Campus
We are eager to host your visit and look forward to making your experience pleasant and productive. We offer several interview rooms within our office and provide full-service logistics related to your recruiting needs. If you are seeking Bachelor's Degree candidates, advanced degree graduates, or interns please know that we can help.
Hosting an Information Session
Information sessions are very helpful for students. A session on campus can introduce you to interested students and allows the student to get to know your organization.
Information Table
Employers offering company/employment information for part-time jobs, internships, summer jobs, or full-time jobs requiring a degree may request an informational table for the day.
If you are interested in scheduling an interview event, information session or information table, please fill out the Campus Recruiting Request Form

On-Campus Recruitment Policies
For questions and additional information regarding on-campus services, please contact the CECE Office at (661) 654-3033 or at career@csub.edu.